A Sea of Deceit and Capitulation
“A Sea of Deceit and Capitulation," is an article I wrote in opposition to the Obama administration's shameful attempt to enable the resumption of commercial whaling.
Blueprint of a Sanctuary
"Blueprint of a Sanctuary" is an AustralAsia magazine article by photojournalist Todd Essick. It reveals the behind the scenes activism targeting the Republic of Palau that defeated ecocidal legislation and promoted the creation of the world's first national shark sanctuary. My involvement is described in the second half of the article.
Saving Palau's Aquatic Treasures
In tandem with efforts to defeat Palau Senate Bills' No. 8-44 and 8-50, I targeted Senate Bill No. 8-56, a very detrimental bill which sought to allow open seasons for the taking and selling of Napoleon wrasse, Bumphead parrotfish, and species of grouper. Along with decimating critically threatened fish populations, this bill as law would have also severely undermined Palau’s pro-conservation image as the world’s first national shark sanctuary.
A Victorious Veto in Palau
Palau's President Toribiong was compelled to veto Senate Bill No. 8-50, despite its introduction by his brother in Palau's Senate. Killing this bill was, in fact, the most important victory toward establishing a true working sanctuary for Palau's waters.
Shark and Awe in the U.S. Senate
"Shark and Awe in the U.S. Senate" is a Huffington Post piece on the legislative mauling of the U.S. Shark Conservation Act of 2010. With this article, I sought action to stop political maneuvering from killing this vitally needed law.
The U.S. Shark Conservation Axe of 2013
"The U.S. Shark Conservation Axe of 2013" is an article relating to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency's (NOAA) and the National Marine Fisheries Service's (NMFS) proposed implementation ruling on the Shark Conservation Act of 2010.
Come Hell and High Water
"Come Hell and High Water: Last Call for a Living Ocean" is an article placed in The Huffington Post in June of 2012. Once I saw that the United Nations' Rio+20 Summit's position on the high seas was to ignore taking any real action for several years, I felt compelled to get this article out.
A Resounding Cry for Reason
“A Resounding Cry for Reason is Vital at CITES" is a Gulf Times editorial that I wrote as the Shark Research Institute's Director of Conservation Strategies at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).