A Sea of Deceit and Capitulation
The following is the introduction by Carol Muske-Dukes to "A Sea of Deceit and Capitulation," an article I wrote in opposition to the Obama administration's shameful attempt to enable the resumption of commercial whaling:
"I'm taking a moment to bring you a statement of urgent import from an environmental activist, protector of international ocean wildlife – who is making a profound plea to the Obama administration to reverse its cynical and cruel support of the lifting of the ban on commercial whaling – a "bow" to Japan. Former Senator Barack Obama stated that "As president, I will ensure that the U.S. provides leadership in enforcing international wildlife protection agreements, including strengthening the international moratorium on international whaling. Allowing Japan to continue commercial whaling is unacceptable." Yet at the March intersessional IWC meeting, the Obama administration was the chief proponent in encouraging the plan to resume commercial whaling and is encouraging other nations to follow.
Come on. Political compromise (the kind derived from international debt pressure and lobbyists) has become the "theme" of this administration – selling out on the unethical and indefensible butchering and barbaric torture of whaling, the murder of sentient beings – is a kind of metaphor for what is happening to liberal ideals.
Here is a statement from Edward Dorson, Director of Conservation Strategies for the Shark Research Institute, as published on the Huffpost Contributors Platform.”
~ Carol Muske-Dukes is an author, Professor of English/Creative Writing at the University of Southern California and former Poet Laureate of California.